Thursday, August 12, 2010


This weekend I plan on getting things done. Furniture shopping and new-room setting up, some gardening if it's sunny and probably a bit of work too. Before all of that though I'm going to the launch of Champfest magazine's second issue, and a travelling exhibition along with it.
Champfest is produced by my lovely new friend Jo and her twin sister in London, and I've been lucky enough to flick through the latest bilingual edition already. It's filled with the work of some incredible international artists, some who will be there tonight and are showing this month at Gorker.
If you're in Melbourne, come along tonight, openings at Gorker tend to be the small, crowded, well-stocked with beer afair you'd hope for and this one will have some reasonably priced prints and a beautifully put together little magazine on offer too. If you're not in Melbourne, you can pick up a copy of Champfest at West Berlin Gallery, Hamburger Eyes in San Fran, ReedSpace in New York, and Colette in Paris. And a bunch of other places besides.

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