Monday, March 2, 2009

extreme weather warnings

This morning the Victorian Police sent me a text message, though I don't recall giving them my phone number. I've deleted it now but it warned of extreme winds, high temperatures, and of course fire danger. Tonight I was sent home early from work and as I walked, my hair whipped my face and grit filled my eyes. Tonight instead of the smokey haze I've almost grown used to the atmosphere is clouded with dust.

It's difficult to describe, even as someone who grew up in Wellington – this is different. It's hot, and thick, and quiet outside. I imagine not too dissimilar to the afternoon in Kansas before Dorothy woke up under a house.

I must say, when I'm not trying to read a newspaper or carry an umbrella I quite like the wind. Maybe it's the Wellington connection, but something in me just wants to be outside. As far as I know there is no risk of lightning so I am thinking of finding a park to stand in, or lye in, where I can be quiet and still and let the sky move around me.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful writing, causing bursting capsules for this reader
