Thursday, June 3, 2010

while we're on the subject

of magazines...

This landed in my letterbox last week. It's issue #4 of I Love You magazine from Germany. This issue's theme is Superwoman. It's a good size, printed on lovely stock, filled with beautiful photos and inspiring/funny/weird quotes from various (semi) famous people. My favourite photos are right at the back but they involve a few tits and even a few other bits so I won't post them here, however there's a cute and saucy little video on their website which should give you an idea.

You can buy issues online from them, or from Mag Nation in Australia and New Zealand.

...if smart women who know how smart they are intimidate men (and they do), and beautiful women who know how beautiful they are intimidate men (and they do), there is, logically, nothing more intimidating than a woman who is fully aware that she is both smart and beautiful. I mean, maybe a room full of tigers with machine guns! That could be scarier! Or, a smart and beautiful lady who makes jokes.

-Tiger Beatdown, quoted in I Love You issue 4

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